Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Once a few sant purush came to his house. Kabir welcomed them with open arms and asked them to have dinner in their house. He entrusted the work to his wife and was happily involved in conversation with them. The wife was at a loss because there were no provisions at home and was no money to buy them. The husband was in no mood to listen. She had to make her own arrangements. Most of the shops were closed but one shopkeeper volunteered to help provided she sold her character to him. She was torn between her Hindu tradition of her chastity and between her Hindu custom of playing the role of a good hostess to saints. Ultimately her duty dominated over her personal chastity.

Loyee agreed on one condition. She could not serve her guests after losing her morals. So she would come back afters he fulfilled her duty as a good wife. The seth agreed and she served her guests with delicious dishes. Kabir was happy. As he was about to share his happiness, he was surprised to see his wife in a sad mood. When he enquired she came out with the whole story. Kabir was moved by her sacrifice and accompanied her to the Seth’s house. He felt serving the devotees is like serving God. Nothing can supersede this act.

The sethji was surprised to see her late in the night, in a heavy down pour of rain. He was all the more surprised to hear that her husband brought her there. He was washed out of his evil thoughts when he heard Kabir’s statement. ‘The Sethji is an incarnation of God because he has helped you to serve his devotees!’ He fell prostrate before kabir and became his disciple.

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